Glass API – Section High Rate RINEX File Metadata and URLs

Endpoint /files/highrate/station-marker/{instance}/{format}

This endpoint returns the highrate rinex files from stations that meet the station-marker inserted.

To use this endpoint it is only necessary to insert a station marker in the station-marker field, it can be a four-character marker or a nine-character marker.

In addition to these main fields, there is a field to enter the desired output format. Two optional fields for pagination, where you can enter the number of elements per page to be displayed and the page you want to be displayed. In addition to a parameter that allows you to exclude files with a status less than zero.


The station-marker of the station. Can be four marker or nine marker. One or more markers can be combined as long as they are separated by a comma.

  • CASC

The format of the output

  • csv
  • json
  • script
  • xml

Whether to exclude files with status less than zero. Value 1 to exclude files, or 0 to view all files regardless of status.

  • 1
  • 0

Number of the page you want to view depends on the number of elements per page chosen.

  • 1,2,3,4,5…etc
  • 0 to view all records

Number of elements per page.

  • 5,10,20,50,100…etc
Example Links

Endpoint /stations/v2/highrate/bbox/{minLon}/{minLat}/{maxLon}/{maxLat}

This endpoint returns all the stations inside the bounding box that contain highrate files associated. The output format is GeoJson.

The parameters are the dimensions of the bounding box so they are all mandatory.

The coordinates shown in the example form a rectangle around Portugal.


The maximum Latitude of the bounding box

  • 44.08

The maximum Longitude of the bounding box

  • -5.53

The minimum Latitude of the bounding box

  • 35.10

The minimum Latitude of the bounding box

  • -12.21
Example Links

Type of Errors Explanation

Code 200
  • Ok -> Everything went well and results returned
  • Ok but no result -> Nothing was found in the database that matches the request made
  • SocketException -> The connection was closed without the results being returned, something may be wrong in the connection with the database.
  • SQLException -> An error in the SQL queries, probably some information that you wanted to retrieve has an error or there is no connection in a table.
  • ClassNotFoundException -> The Java class could not be found, this implies a serious error in the API, probably a compilation/installation error.
  • Error: “format” Format Unknown -> The response format entered in the parameters is invalid, you must only use json, xml, csv or script.
Code 400
  • Bad Request -> Check the entered parameters;Verifies that the API server link is correct; Checks the entered parameters.; If everything above is fine, then the API may not be working.
  • Invalid object type ->The parameter entered in type is not valid, please confirm that it is correct.
  • Invalid parameters[1] ->The number of parameters entered is incorrect.
  • Invalid parameters[2] -> Parameter names are incorrect or not entered correctly