Endpoint /stations/v2/station/{size}/{format}
This endpoint returns information about all stations present in database.
All parameters are mandatory.
The format of the output
- json
- xml
- csv
The amount of information provided about each station
- full
- short
Example Links
- https://glass.c4g-pt.eu/GlassFramework/webresources/stations/v2/station/short/geojson
Endpoint /stations/v2/marker/{marker}/{size}/{format}
This endpoint returns information about one or several stations. It is possible to search for stations using the 4Marker or 9Marker or using both.
All parameters are mandatory.
The marker of station
The format of the output
- json
- xml
- csv
The amount of information provided about each station
- full
- short
Example Links
- https://glass.c4g-pt.eu/GlassFramework/webresources/stations/v2/marker/CASC00PRT/short/json
- https://glass.c4g-pt.eu/GlassFramework/webresources/stations/v2/marker/CASC00PRT/full/json
Endpoint /stations/v2/coordinates/{area}/{size}/{format}
This endpoint returns information about one or several stations.In this endpoint it is possible to search for stations using coordinates of geometric figures.
It is mandatory to fill in the format, size and the area parameter that decides what type of figure we will use.
The type of geometric figure
- circle -> centerlat:32.953368 -> centerlon:-17.484741 -> radius:147.8
- polygon -> polygon=33.146750!-18.116455,33.559707!-16.226807,32.990236!-15.468750,32.166313!-15.106201,31.259770!-15.974121,31.980123!-18.489990
- rectangle -> maxlat:33.385586 -> maxlon:-15.567627 -> minlat:31.998759 -> minlon:-18.105469
The format of the output
- json
- xml
- csv
The amount of information provided about each station
- full
- short
Example Links
- https://glass.c4g-pt.eu/GlassFramework/webresources/stations/v2/coordinates/circle/short/json?centerlat=38.685510¢erlon=-5.449219&radius=928.6
- https://glass.c4g-pt.eu/GlassFramework/webresources/stations/v2/coordinates/rectangle/short/json?maxlat=42.163403&maxlon=3.867187&minlat=37.996163&minlon=-19.511719
- https://glass.c4g-pt.eu/GlassFramework/webresources/stations/v2/coordinates/polygon/short/json?polygon=44.465151%2C-16.347656%3B40.580585%2C-0.175781%3B32.842674%2C-7.910156%3B36.173357%2C-18.105469%3B41.640078%2C-25.136719
Endpoint /stations/v2/location/{type}/{instance}/{size}/{format}
This endpoint returns information about one or several stations.This endpoint allows you to search for stations based on your location, city, country can be used. state or name.
This endpoint already contains pagination, so its parameters are mandatory except for the pagination parameters that may or may not be inserted.
Example of Station Search by City
Example of Station Search by Country
Example of Station Search by State
Example of Station Search by Name
The format of the output
- json
- xml
- csv
The amount of information provided about each station
- full
- short
Number of the page you want to view depends on the number of elements per page chosen.
- 1,2,3,4,5…etc
- 0 to view all records
Number of elements per page.
- 5,10,20,50,100…etc
Example Links
- https://glass.c4g-pt.eu/GlassFramework/webresources/stations/v2/location/country/Portugal/short/json?page=1&perpage=50
- https://glass.c4g-pt.eu/GlassFramework/webresources/stations/v2/location/state/Leiria/short/json
- https://glass.c4g-pt.eu/GlassFramework/webresources/stations/v2/location/city/Lisboa/short/json?page=1&perpage=50
Endpoint /stations/v2/agency/{agency}/{size}/{format}
This endpoint returns information about one or several stations. It is possible to search for stations using the agency to which they belong.
All parameters are mandatory.
The name of the agency
- C4G
The format of the output
- json
- xml
- csv
The amount of information provided about each station
- full
- short
Example Links
- https://glass.c4g-pt.eu/GlassFramework/webresources/stations/v2/agency/Direcao-Geral%20do%20Territorio/short/json
Endpoint /stations/v2/network/{network}/{size}/{format}
This endpoint returns information about one or several stations. It is possible to search for stations using the network of the station. Multiple values can be placed for the network, the results of one network or another are shown.
All parameters are mandatory.
The network of station belong
The format of the output
- json
- xml
- csv
The amount of information provided about each station
- full
- short
Example Links
- https://glass.c4g-pt.eu/GlassFramework/webresources/stations/v2/network/ReNEP/short/xml
Endpoint /stations/v2/combination/{size}/{format}
This endpoint returns information about one or several stations.This endpoint allows a large combination of elements on one or several stations, which is why there are several parameters in it.
Only the size and format parameters are mandatory, if none of the others are filled in then all stations are listed.
Any of these can be filled in the parameters but look the results are an INTERSECTION of the parameters, but each parameter may contain multiple values.
- agency
- altitude
- antenna
- centerLat -> For this parameter, you have to fill in the 3 circle parameters: centerLat, centerLon, radius.
- centerLon -> For this parameter, you have to fill in the 3 circle parameters: centerLat, centerLon, radius.
- city
- constellation
- coordinates
- country
- dataAvailability
- dateRange
- date_from
- date_to
- elevangle
- fileType
- frequency
- geojson
- installedDateMax
- installedDateMin
- invertedNetworks
- latitude
- lifetime
- longitude
- marker
- maxAlt
- maxLat -> For this parameter, you have to fill in the 4 rectangle parameters: maxLat,maxLon,minLat,minLon.
- maxLon -> For this parameter, you have to fill in the 4 rectangle parameters: maxLat,maxLon,minLat,minLon.
- minAlt
- minLat -> For this parameter, you have to fill in the 4 rectangle parameters: maxLat,maxLon,minLat,minLon.
- minLon -> For this parameter, you have to fill in the 4 rectangle parameters: maxLat,maxLon,minLat,minLon.
- minimumObservationDays
- minimumObservationYears
- multipathvalue
- nbclockjumps
- nbcycleslips
- network
- observationtype
- polygon
- radius -> For this parameter, you have to fill in the 3 circle parameters: centerLat, centerLon, radius.
- radome
- ratioepoch
- receiver
- removedDateMax
- removedDateMin
- samplingFrequency
- samplingWindow
- satelliteSystem
- site
- spprms
- state
- statusfile
The format of the output
- json
- xml
- csv
The amount of information provided about each station
- full
- short
Number of the page you want to view depends on the number of elements per page chosen.
- 0 to view all records
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5…etc
Number of elements per page.
- 5
- 10
- 20
- 50
- 100…etc
Example Links
- ttps://glass.c4g-pt.eu/GlassFramework/webresources/stations/v2/combination/short/json?city=Cascais&installedDateMax=2007-06-24&page=1&perpage=50
- https://glass.c4g-pt.eu/GlassFramework/webresources/stations/v2/combination/short/json?antenna=TWIVP6050_CONE&page=1&perpage=50
- https://glass.c4g-pt.eu/GlassFramework/webresources/stations/v2/combination/short/json?centerLat=43.834527¢erLon=-22.500000&radius=1126.1&page=1&perpage=50
Type of Errors Explanation
Code 200
- Ok -> Everything went well and results returned
Code 204
The request made has a response without content, in this case as the response is a file it may not exist on the machine on which the request is made.
Something went wrong
- A Java error in the construction of the file name. Try placing the order again or something may be wrong with the code.
- Couldn’t determine file name for this station -> Unable to get the name of the station, check if it really exists, try it with 4Marker and 9Marker.
Code 400
- Bad Request -> Check the entered parameters;Verifies that the API server link is correct; Checks the entered parameters.; If everything above is fine, then the API may not be working.
- Wrong full output type. -> If you are using the wrong answer size, please enter short or full in the size field.
- IOException -> It was not possible to create the file to send the response, possibly an error in the functions to create the files for the response.
- SQLException -> An error in the SQL queries, probably some information that you wanted to retrieve has an error or there is no connection in a table.
- ClassNotFoundException -> The Java class could not be found, this implies a serious error in the API, probably a compilation/installation error.
- ValidatorException -> Something failed to validate the parameters entered, please check the size and characters used